Digital Downloads

List of digital download and emedia services
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hoopla digital content service
Hoopla Digital

Hoopla Digital partners with libraries across the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to provide online and mobile access to eBooks, audiobooks, comics, music, movies, and TV.

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kanopy films that matter

Get free access to thousands of movies with your library card.

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Libby by Overdrive
Libby by Overdrive

Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your public library. You can stream titles with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. All you need to get started is a library card.

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The Ohio Digital Library
Ohio Digital Library

The Ohio Digital Library (formerly the Ohio eBook Project) is a statewide consortium of libraries that jointly provide free downloadable eBooks, audiobooks, music, and video to library customers.

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